Protected: Singapore Workforce Skills Qualifications (WSQ)

What’s WSQ?

The Singapore Workforce Skills Qualifications (WSQ) is a national credential system that trains, develops, assesses and certifies skills and competencies for the workforce. Training programmes developed under the WSQ system are based on skills and competencies validated by employers, unions and professional bodies. This process ensures existing and emerging skills and competencies that are in demand are used to inform training and development under WSQ

Key features of WSQ


A competency-based system, designed to develop job role-specific skills and competencies, as well as generic skills and competencies that are required across job roles.


Does not require academic pre-requisites for entry and recognises prior learning, such as work experience and credentials. Available in bite-sized modules leading to the award of a Statement of Attainment, which an individual may acquire leading up to a full WSQ qualification.


Makes available skills and qualification pathways which align to the Skills Framework for the respective sectors.


Statements of Attainment and qualifications are quality assured and awarded by SkillsFuture Singapore and/or in partnership with established awarding bodies.

Benefits of WSQ Programmes (for Individuals)

Benefits of WSQ Programmes (for Companies)

Plan career and acquire new skills to enter a new sector or job role.

Obtain portable credentials to improve employability and mobility 

Achieve qualifications and certifications that demonstrate skills sets to employers

Assess and certify skills and competencies against industry established work standards

Provide quality assured and industry-relevant training choices. Guide training and development training

Strengthen in-house training capabilities 

Facilitate recruitment of competent staff who are certified and equipped with the required skills and competencies

Our WSQ Courses

Introduction to Student and Youth Care

Find out more >

Fundamentals of the Personal Data Protection Act (2020) (Synchronous e-Learning)

Fundamentals of the Personal Data Protection Act (2020) (Classroom and Synchronous e-Learning)

Specialist Diploma in Workplace Safety and Health v.2 (Synchronous e-Learning)
