Introduction to Web 3.0 (Classroom & Asynchronous e-learning)

Offered by School of InfoComm Technology

Short Course / 1 Day / TGS-2023018011

Note: The Jul 2023 run for this course is now open, please click on the APPLY button to submit your application. To receive an alert about the future runs for this course, please click on the INDICATE INTEREST button. Thank you.
Course Information
Learning Outcomes
Course Schedule
Lesson Plan
Trainer Profile
Entry Requirements
Course Fees

Course Information

The internet has gone through two successful iterations: Web 1.0 during the 1990s and Web 2.0 during the early 2000s. Web 1.0 was a collection of decentralised static webpages where there were distributed computers directly communicating with each other. It was a “Read-only” era: you could read but could not easily add your own voice to other’s content.

In Web 2.0, internet was transformed from read-only content to content that allowed interactivity, social connectivity, and user-generated content. Web 3.0 promises to hand some ownership back to users by rewiring how the web works. Web 3.0 envisions to adopt some tenets of decentralisation seen in Web 1.0 together with the functionality of Web 2.0 that is community driven and self-governing. While all of this sounds great, it does not come without its own drawbacks.

Join this course to explore a brief history of Web 1.0 and 2.0. You will also learn about Web 3.0; the direction of Web 3.0 as it is being developed, and the core and the limitations of Web 3.0 from not only the technology perspective, but from an ownership perspective.

This programme is offered in partnership with Singapore FinTech Association (SFA) and will be co-delivered by SFA and Ngee Ann Polytechnic.

Learning Outcomes

  1. The evolutions of Web 1.0, Web 2.0 and Web 3.0
  2. Be acquainted to:
    • Machine learning, big data web application
    • AI driven bots based on machine learning
    • Augmented reality, metaverse virtual world
  3. Web 3.0 and the use of decentralised technologies such as blockchain and inter planetary filing system   (IPFS).
  4. Web 3.0 and the rise of cryptocurrencies such Bitcoin and Ethereum. This would also include Decentralised Finance   (DeFi), Non-Fungible Tokens   (NFT) and even Decentralised Autonomous Organisations   (DAOs) which help groups of people organise and make decisions.
  5. Web 3.0 inefficiencies such as high energy consumption, scams, and scalability.
  6. Government policy with regards to treating ownership of your own data together with protecting privacy that are being developed as well.


Course Date: 13 Aug 2024
Application Period: 14 Jun 2024 – 21 Jul 2024
Duration: 1 day
Time: 9am to 6pm
Delivery Mode: Classroom
Venue: 80RR, 80 Robinson Road

For future runs of this course, please refer to STEP

Ngee Ann Polytechnic reserves the right to reschedule / cancel any programme, modify the fees and amend information without prior notice.

Lesson Plan

Approximately 1 week before course starts: Asynchronous e-learning ~2 hours (materials will be emailed to participants for reading)

Trainer's Profile

Alvin Neo

Alvin is the Co-founder of and Executive Director at MerkleTrees overseeing technology and blockchain consultancy and project advisory and implementation.

With over two decades of experience in technology space and a blockchain user and implementor since its’ inception, Alvin is a much sought-after expert in the field with a demonstrated history in creating innovative products and applications in the blockchain space.

Alvin serves as a technical advisor to ACCESS Node, the for-profit arm of Association of Crypto Currency Enterprises and Start-ups Singapore (ACCESS), the country’s foremost Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Industry Association. He is also technology advisor at IDAXA Services, the services arm of the International Digital Asset Exchange Association (IDAXA).

Willey Tang

Willey Tang graduated from the National University of Singapore with a Bachelor of Science (Computer and Information Science) and holds a Master in Business Administration (MBA) from the University of Birmingham and a Master of IT in Business (Financial Services) from the Singapore Management University. Willey has been a full-time lecturer with the Polytechnic since 2007. He currently holds the portfolio of a Course Chair in the School of InfoComm Technology, Ngee Ann Polytechnic. He specialises in teaching software development and FinTech related modules.


A Certificate of Completion will be awarded to learner who achieve at least 75% attendance and pass all required assessment(s).

A Certificate of Attendance will be awarded to learner who meet the 75% attendance requirement.

Entry Requirements

Entry-level executives and officers in the banking and finance industry who wish to:

  • Equip themselves with essential FinTech concepts
  • Keep up-to-date with emerging technologies and to know how these technologies will impact their work and the industry
  • Discover ways to prepare themselves for digital transformation

Course Fees

Funding period for this course is from 13 Jan 2023 to 30 Sept 2024.

SkillsFuture Credit
All Singaporeans aged 25 and above can use their $500 SkillsFuture Credit from the government to pay for a wide range of approved skills-related courses. Visit the SkillsFuture Credit website to choose from the courses available on the Training Exchange course directory.

GST Increment in 2024
Please note that the GST rate will be revised to 9% with effect from 1 Jan 2024. As such any payable course fees will be subjected to the new GST rate adjustments in 2024. Please refer to our STEP portal for the updated fees. (Click on STEP)


  • The fees below are determined based on prevailing funding policies and subject to review and revision.
  • Please refer to our FAQs for more information.

Ngee Ann Polytechnic reserves the right to reschedule/cancel any programme, modify the fees and amend information without prior notice.

Applicants / Eligibility Fees
Full course fee$610.40
Enhanced Training Support for SMEs for Singapore Citizen$71.12
Enhanced Training Support for SMEs - SPR & LTVP+$71.12
SkillsFuture Mid-Career Enhanced Subsidy for Singapore Citizen aged 40 and above$71.12
SkillsFuture Baseline Funding for Singapore Citizen Aged Below 40$183.12
SkillsFuture Baseline Funding for SPR/LTVP+$183.12