[NP-DEMH] Diploma in Engineering (Mechatronics) (DEMH)

Offered by School of Engineering

Part-time Diploma

About Course
Course Structure
Entry Requirements
Financial Matters
Course Schedule

About Course

Course Objectives

The course trains individuals who seek to gain knowledge in broad-based Mechatronics Engineering or those who wish to pursue a career in relation to mechanical or electronics design, automation & control, system integration & maintenance and quality control sectors. 

Course Description

The Diploma In Engineering (Mechatronics) (DEMH) is a part-time CET course, consist of the following modules:
1.   Electrical Technology (60hrs)
2.   Analog Electronics & Applications (60hrs)
3.   Digital Electronics & Applications (60hrs)
4.   Engineering Mechanics (60hrs)
5.   Strength of Materials (60hrs)
6.   Mechanical Aspects of Mechatronic Systems (60hrs)
7.   Computer Programming (60hrs)
8.   Basic Microcontroller Programming (60hrs)
9.   Microcontroller Interfacing & Applications (60hrs)
10.   Power Hydraulics (60hrs)
11.   Industrial Automation (60hrs)
12.   Instrumentation & Control (60hrs)
*Elective: choose either 5A or 5B
13.   *5A-Computer-Aided 3D Design (60hrs)
14.   *5A-Electrical & Electronic Drawing & CAD (60hrs)
15.   *5A-Mechanical Design (60hrs)
16.   *5B-Communication & Vision Systems (60hrs)
17.   *5B-Industrial Drive Systems (60hrs)
18.   *5B-Unmanned Systems (60hrs)

Trainer's Profile

Goh Khing Sua

Goh Khing Sua is an experienced engineer and educator with a strong foundation in Mechanical Engineering. Holding both a Bachelor of Engineering and a Master of Science (M.Sc.) in Mechanical Engineering from the National University of Singapore, Khing Sua’s academic qualification is complemented by a range of skills and experiences.

Khing Sua’s interests spans several key areas within Mechanical Engineering, including Industrial Automation, Electro-pneumatic control, Hydraulics, Programmable Logic Controller, and Mechanical systems. His passion for these fields is evident in his teaching experience, where he has imparted knowledge in modules such as Industrial Automation, Applied Mechanics, and Foundation in Systems Design.

Other qualification includes an Advanced Certificate in Training and Assessment (ACTA), which emphasised good pedagogical foundation. He has demonstrated leadership in curriculum development, creating course materials, and setting up laboratory equipment to enhance the learning experience for his students.

Khing Sua has industry experience in various sectors. He has worked in manufacturing, specifically in the production of lift/elevator parts and machinery. In this role, he supervised a team of workers, ensuring the timely and efficient manufacturing of elevators while maintaining quality standards.

Additionally, Khing Sua has experience working in the Mechanical and Electrical Services, involving in Air-conditioning & Ventilation and Fire Protection systems for buildings under construction. His role involved coordination with other services to ensure project schedules were met and cost management objectives were achieved.

With a wealth of knowledge, practical experience, and a passion for education, Goh Khing Sua is a valuable asset to both the engineering industry and the academic realm. His dedication to excellence, coupled with his hands-on approach to teaching and problem-solving, makes him a highly respected figure in the field of Mechanical Engineering.

Course Structure

TPG course reference No.


Diploma in Engineering (Mechatronics)

Certificate in Automation & Control
Industrial Automation (NP-010114)
This module aims to equip students with the basic knowledge of general electronic devices as well as hard-wired and programmable types of automation solutions. Their applications in sequential control systems and low-cost automation will be covered.

Major topics include electro-pneumatics technology and programmable logic control. The essential hardware components used in automated systems, such as sensors, valves and actuators will be applied to the automated systems. Widely accepted industrial control programming language LD will be covered, in conjunction with the learning of programming logic controllers and computer interfaces.

Laboratory work involves hands-on circuit construction and implementation using these various technologies and techniques, which enhances students’ understanding of the practical aspects of circuit designs.
Instrumentation & Control (NP-010115)
This module aims to provide students the essential knowledge on the various types of control components, the operation of feedback control systems, effects of controller setting on system performance and stability as well as the impact of Industry 4.0 in Process Industries. Automatic continuous control systems are used extensively, from controlling operation in home appliances to machines and systems used in manufacturing and process industries.
Power Hydraulics (NP-010113)
This module aims to impart the fundamental concepts of industrial hydraulic applications to be implemented in automation and process industries. Core competencies in the module will include the understanding of the typical component blocks such as hydraulic power pack systems, hydraulic actuators and the different types of hydraulic valves that make up industrial hydraulic systems for various applications. An integration of the industrial hydraulic system with electrical controls will be illustrated.

Laboratory work involves simulation, hands-on circuit construction and implementation using these various technologies and techniques, which enhances students’ understanding of the practical aspects of circuit designs and their applications in the manufacturing and process industries. The practical skills acquired from this module are required for the follow-up module in integration-based subjects as well as project work.
Certificate in Electrical & Electronics Fundamentals
Analog Electronics & Applications (NP-009783)
This module aims to provide students with knowledge of the operating principles and the design characteristics of commonly used analogue devices and circuits. It also illustrates their applications in various practical circuits.
Digital Electronics & Applications (NP-009782)
This is a hands-on intensive module designed to help the students to design and build application projects based on digital electronics. It covers the fundamentals of digital electronics, the basic principles and techniques of digital system design. The main topics covered are Number systems, Boolean Algebra, Combinational logic circuits, Flip-flops and multivibrators, IC Counters, and Data handling devices.
Electrical Technology (NP-009876)
This module provides the foundation in electricity to prepare the participants for more specialized subjects. It deals with the basic concepts of electrical circuits and the methods used to analyze them.

The module emphasis the understanding of the basic electrical circuit laws (Ohm's Law, Kirchhoff's Voltage and Current Laws) and network theorems, and their application to electrical network analysis. Topics covered include fundamentals of electricity, network theorems, capacitance, electromagnetic induction and inductance, ac circuit theory and transformer fundamentals.
Certificate in Engineering Drafting & Design Elective
Computer Aided 3D Design (NP-009712)
This module aims to help the students in the application of the drafting concepts and modeling techniques for development of product models in the design process. Students will learn the principles and capabilities of CAD through three dimensional (3D) solid modeling of engineering components and assembly. An assignment is used to consolidate the concepts and techniques learnt from the CAD module.
Electrical & Electronic Drawing & CAD (NP-010411)
The main objectives of this module are to introduce participants to the techniques
of PCB computer-aided design, and to provide opportunities for the acquisition of
practical skills in electronic project design. Participants will learn the planning,
development, construction and testing of electronic prototypes. The focus of the
module is on hands-on practice for basic PCB design, PCB fabrication and
technical writing skills. Fault finding on electronic circuits, an essential skill in
construction, is also introduced.
Mechanical Design (NP-009713)
The module aims to provide students with the knowledge on how to design, analyse and select mechanical systems components used in machine and system design. Topics include selection of motor, coupling, gears, bearing and chain drive. Concept on dimension tolerance is also covered. Through the combination of lectures, tutorials assessments and project work, the module aims to prepare students to a level where they can undertake an engineering design problem in a methodical and professional manner.
Certificate in Industrial Systems Elective
Communication & Vision Systems (NP-011513)
This module seeks to broaden students' abilities learned from automating simple industrial systems acquired at to more complex and advanced automation systems involving communication and vision technologies. This module will cover both wire and wireless communication technologies based on the various industry standards, e.g. LAN 802.11 a/b/g/n, LAN Mesh, Mobile 3G/4G, CAN bus, DeviceNet, Profibus and Modbus, Through this module, students will also gain an appreciation of the practical applications of RFID technology, laser and computer vision used in real-world industrial systems.
Industrial Drive Systems (NP-011514)
This module builds on the previous modules taught in Certificate in Electrical & Electronics Fundamentals and Certificate in Mechanics of Mechatronic Systems to equip students with knowledge of both electrical and mechanical drive systems which are the core manipulating and actuating systems of all machines. Topics covered in electrical drives include single and three phase systems, power packs, transformers, motors, amplifiers and variable speed controllers, while topics cover in mechanical drives include gears, belts and pulleys, ball screws, linear guides, wire ropes, drum system and braking system. In addition, topics on engine, hydraulic system and mechanical structures will also be included.
Unmanned Systems (NP-011515)
This module will cover generic knowledge and techniques of navigation and control of an unmanned vehicle system. Topics taught in this module include automated guided vehicle, robot technology, navigation sensors, control and navigation algorithms and artificial intelligence. Eventually, students will be required to apply and integrate the knowledge taught in the 3 modules to design, build and test an unmanned vehicle.
Certificate in Mechanics of Mechatronic Systems
Engineering Mechanics (NP-009779)
This module introduces students to the study of external forces in two dimensions and their effect on particles and rigid bodies that are at rest. Students learn the skills to analyze the forces acting on the bodies by drawing free-body diagrams and applying the conditions of equilibrium. Topics include forces and resultants, moments and couples, equilibrium, and the concepts of plane friction.

This module also aims to equip students with the skills to analyze problems of rigid bodies in motion. Only linear and rotational motion in two dimensions will be covered. Topics include Kinematics of linear and rotational motion, and Kinetics of linear and rotational motion.
Mechanical Aspects of Mechatronic Systems (NP-010014)
The module builds on the module Engineering Mechanics and provides participants with the necessary knowledge and skills to apply mechanics principles to the analysis of some typical mechatronic systems.
Strength of Materials (NP-009780)
This module aims at providing the students with a foundational knowledge of strength of materials at a tertiary technologist level. Major topics include stress and strain and engineering problem required stress analysis and interpretational of practical design criteria.
Certificate in Microcontroller Applications
Basic Microcontroller Programming (NP-010129)
This module introduces participants to the fundamentals of microcontroller architecture as well as basic programming to interface with various external input and output devices. C programming language is used to illustrate the operation of the microcontroller. Interfacing the microcontroller to basic input-output devices such as switches, LEDs, 7-segment display and keypads help to demonstrate the behaviour of the application software running on a working system.
Computer Programming (NP-010128)
This practical-oriented module equips participants with the basic knowledge and skills in computer programming using "C" language. The main topics include basic computing concepts, fundamentals of C, branching, loops, and C functions. On completion of the module, participants will be able to explain and write C programs for simple engineering applications.
Microcontroller Interfacing & Applications (NP-010130)
This module provides general microcontroller interfacing circuits, and example programs for most common input/output devices used within microcontroller circuits. The interfacing circuits range from standard interfacing to low current and low voltage input/output devices to using transistors, relays or opto-isolators for high current and high voltage input/output devices to some advanced component interfacing, such as stepper motor, serial port, I2C interface etc.

Entry Requirements

Condition 1

Highest qualification

GCE ‘O’ Level grade:
  • English Language (Grade 1-7)

Highest qualification

GCE ‘O’ Level grade:
  • Mathematics (Grade 1-6)

Highest qualification

GCE ‘O’ Level grade:
  • Science (Grade 1-6)
And Working experience:At least 1 year of relevant work experience

Condition 2

Highest qualification

NITEC with GPA >= 3.5

Condition 3

Highest qualification

NITEC with GPA >= 3.0 And Working experience:At least 1 year of relevant work experience

Condition 4

Highest qualification

Higher NITEC with GPA >= 2.0

Condition 5

Highest qualification

Higher NITEC with GPA >= 1.5 And Working experience: At least 1 year of relevant work experience

Condition 6

Highest qualification

NITEC in Technology with GPA >= 3.5 And Working experience:At least 1 year of relevant working experience

Condition 7

Highest qualification

NITEC in Services with GPA >= 3.5

And Working experience:At least 1 year of relevant working experience

Condition 8

Highest qualification

Higher NITEC in Technology with GPA >=2.0 And Working experience:At least 1 year of relevant working experience

Condition 9

Highest qualification

Higher NITEC in Services with GPA >=2.0 And Working experience:At least 1 year of relevant working experience

Condition 10

Highest qualification

Relevant Advanced WSQ Certificate (or higher) and Level 6 WSQ Workplace Literacy SOA and Workplace Numeracy SOA

Highest qualification

- And Working experience:At least 1 year of relevant working experience

Condition 11

Working experience

Applicants with at least 2 years of relevant working experience may apply for the course

Financial matters

Course fees payable (incl. GST & excl. supplementary fee)

Description Certificate in Automation & Control Certificate in Engineering Drafting Design Certificate in Electrical & Electronics Fundamental Certificate in Industrial Systems Certificate in Microcontroller Applications Certificate in Mechanics of Mechatronic Systems Total course fee
Full Course fee $3,767.04 $3,767.04 $3,767.04 $3,767.04 $3,767.04 $3,767.04 $22,602.24
Singapore Citizen Aged 40 & Above $376.70 $376.70 $376.70 $376.70 $376.70 $376.70 $2,260.20
PR Sponsored by SME $392.26 $392.26 $392.26 $392.26 $392.26 $392.26 $2,353.56
Singapore Citizen Sponsored by SME $392.26 $392.26 $392.26 $392.26 $392.26 $392.26 $2,353.56
Singapore Citizen Aged Below 40 $565.06 $565.06 $565.06 $565.06 $565.06 $565.06 $3,390.36
Singapore PR $1,506.82 $1,506.82 $1,506.82 $1,506.82 $1,506.82 $1,506.82 $9,040.92
Long-Term Visit Pass Plus $3,767.04 $3,767.04 $3,767.04 $3,767.04 $3,767.04 $3,767.04 $22,602.24

GST rate

The course fees payable above are inclusive of 9% GST rate.

Payment option

The first payment needs to be made after accepting the offer.

Allowed payment by

Post-Secondary Education Account (Adhoc withdrawal form);Post-Secondary Education Account (Standing order form);SkillsFuture Credits (SFC);Credit card (e-payment);Debit card (e-payment);PayNow (e-payment)

Nett Supplementary Fees Payable

  • GPA Insurance Fee S$2.13,subject to GST,fees payable S$2.32 Allow payment by Post-Secondary Education Account (Adhoc withdrawal form); Allow payment by Post-Secondary Education Account (Standing order form)
  • Other Fees S$7.50,subject to GST,fees payable S$8.18 Allow payment by Post-Secondary Education Account (Adhoc withdrawal form); Allow payment by Post-Secondary Education Account (Standing order form)

Refund and withdrawal policy

  • Please note that a 100% refund will be available if the withdrawal request is submitted more than or equal to 14 days before the course start date.
  • Please note that a 50% refund will be available if the withdrawal request is submitted less than 14 days before the course start date.
  • Please note that no refund will be available if the withdrawal request is submitted on or after the course start date.


Class Day(s): Tue, Wed and Fri
Time: 6:30pm - 10:00pm
Delivery mode: Face-to-face & Home-based Learning (Sync)