[NP-ELYM] Work-Study Post-Diploma Specialist Diploma in Youth Development & Mental Wellness (ELYM)

Offered by School of Humanities & Social Sciences

Work-Study Programmes

About Course
Course Structure
Entry Requirements
Financial Matters
Course Schedule

About Course

Course Objectives

Work-Study Post-Diploma Specialist Diploma in Youth Development & Mental Wellness (ELYM) consist of the following modules:
1) Knowing & Engaging Youth (45hrs)
2) Youth & Technology (45hrs)
3) Group Dynamics & Facilitation (45hrs)
4) Mental Wellness & Youth (45hrs)
5) Delivering Effective Programmes for Resilient Youth (45hrs)
6) Managing Stakeholders: Engaging Parents & Community (45hrs)

Course Description

The course aims to prepare the students to demonstrate:
•Understanding of youth’s development vis-à-vis mental wellness and its implication on youth work and practices;
•Skills and knowledge in engaging and developing youth to have positive mental wellness and emotional resilience;
•Skills and knowledge in mentoring youth through programme development and using effective communication, facilitation as well as behavioural management strategies;
•Skills and knowledge in engaging stakeholders with key roles in the development and well-being of youth.

Target Audience

The course aims to prepare the students to demonstrate: •Understanding of youth’s development vis-à-vis mental wellness and its implication on youth work and practices; •Skills and knowledge in engaging and developing youth to have positive mental wellness and emotional resilience; •Skills and knowledge in mentoring youth through programme development and using effective communication, facilitation as well as behavioural management strategies; •Skills and knowledge in engaging stakeholders with key roles in the development and well-being of youth.

Course Structure

TPG course reference No.


Specialist Diploma in Youth Development & Mental Wellness

Post-Diploma Certificate in Youth Development & Mentoring
Group Dynamics & Facilitation (NP-SGDF0)
Participants will develop skills to devise, set-up, coordinate, deliver and evaluate group work activities and programmes for youth individually and in groups. Participants are also equipped with theories, research findings and abilities aimed at managing group dynamics/conflicts and improving group effectiveness.
Knowing & Engaging Youth (NP-SKEY0)
Participants will acquire an understanding of youth, including the common psychological and developmental issues that impact their lives, and be equipped with basic intervention and mentoring skills that would help them to manage these issues that include anger and aggression; youth sexuality; mental health; self-harm; family abuse & trauma; and addictions. Participants will also have a chance to apply what they have learned with youth and be mentored by youth practitioners from Youth Work Association of Singapore.
Youth & Technology (NP-013432)
Participants will gain an overview of the role of technology on youth’s psychology and development, including the positive and adverse impact of technology on youth, that include cyberbullying, internet addictions, sexting and use of dating applications. They will also pick up social medial tools and strategies that would help them to widen their reach and advance to the youth as well as learn ways to conduct their training, mentoring or facilitation sessions with the youth using remote platforms.
Post-Diploma Certificate in Youth Mental Wellness & Resilience
Delivering Effective Programmes for Resilient Youth (NP-SDEPRY0)
Participants will be introduced to a systematic framework of programme development which will guide them in developing programmes to enhance the resilience & mental wellness of youth. They will learn to conduct needs assessments, formulate clear objectives, implement intervention, and evaluate outcomes.
Managing Stakeholders: Engaging Parents & Community (NP-013436)
Participants will gain an understanding of the various professional roles a youth worker/youth development officer plays in working with youth, families, other professionals in the community in the holistic care of youth. They will learn strategies to engage and partner families and community stakeholders in supporting the overall care of youth.
Mental Wellness and Youth (NP-013434)
Participants will be introduced to the major non-psychotic disorders, including mood, anxiety, substance use and eating disorders. The typical features of the disorder, and its causes will be discussed. To equip participants with the skills and knowledge to encourage mental wellness and emotional resilience, elements of positive psychology will also be introduced.

Entry Requirements

Condition 1

Citizenship type

Singapore citizen, Singapore PR And Highest qualification:Polytechnic Diploma; Graduated within at most 3 years; Full-time

Ngee Ann Polytechnic
  • Diploma in Community Development

Condition 2

Citizenship type

Singapore citizen, Singapore PR And National Service:Completed National Service (NS) operationally ready date; Within at most 3 years And Highest qualification:Polytechnic Diploma; Graduated within at most 5 years; Full-time

Ngee Ann Polytechnic
  • Diploma in Community Development

Financial matters

Course fees payable (incl. GST & excl. supplementary fee)

Description Post-Diploma Certificate in Youth Development & Mentoring Post-Diploma Certificate in Youth Mental Wellness & Resilience Total course fee
Full Course fee $1,638.27 $3,276.54 $4,914.81
PR Sponsored by SME (WSP) $170.59 $341.18 $511.77
Singapore Citizen Sponsored by SME (WSP) $170.59 $341.18 $511.77
Singapore Citizen Aged Below 40 (WSP) $245.74 $491.48 $737.22
Singapore PR (WSP) $655.31 $1,310.62 $1,965.93

GST rate

The course fees payable above are inclusive of 9% GST rate.

Payment option

The first payment needs to be made after accepting the offer.

Allowed payment by

The course fee allows to be paid by:
Post-Secondary Education Account (Adhoc withdrawal form);
SkillsFuture Credits (SFC);
Credit card (e-payment);
Debit card (e-payment);
PayNow (e-payment).

Important note: All course fees are determined based on prevailing funding policies and subject to review and revision annually.

Nett Supplementary Fees Payable

  • GPA Insurance Fee S$2.11,subject to GST,fees payable S$2.30 Allow payment by Post-Secondary Education Account (Adhoc withdrawal form); Allow payment by Post-Secondary Education Account (Standing order form)
  • Other Fees S$7.43,subject to GST,fees payable S$8.10 Allow payment by Post-Secondary Education Account (Adhoc withdrawal form); Allow payment by Post-Secondary Education Account (Standing order form)

Refund and withdrawal policy

  • Please note that a 100% refund will be available if the withdrawal request is submitted more than or equal to 14 days before the course start date.
  • Please note that a 50% refund will be available if the withdrawal request is submitted less than 14 days before the course start date.
  • Please note that no refund will be available if the withdrawal request is submitted on or after the course start date.


Class Day(s): 1 full Thur session per week
Time: 8:00am - 6:00pm (including 1-hour lunch break)
Delivery mode: Classroom, Synchronous eLearning, Asynchronous eLearning