[NP-ELVC1] Work-Study PostDip Specialist Diploma in Veterinary Clinical Practice

Offered by School of Life Sciences & Chemical Technology

Work-Study Programmes

About Course
Course Structure
Entry Requirements
Financial Matters
Course Schedule

About Course

Course Objectives

The WSP-Specialist Diploma in Veterinary Clinical Practice (SDVCP) allows fresh polytechnic grad uates with a local life sciences diploma to embark on a one year, work study post diploma programme. This post diploma program is suitable for passionate individuals who are seeking to deepen and master various relevant skill sets required for them to be effective at their workplace and give them a career head start in the area of veterinary care.

Course Description

The WSP-Specialist Diploma in Veterinary Clinical Practice aims to assist in reducing the shortage of veterinary nurses and technicians in Singapore by deepening and/or enhancing diploma graduates' knowledge and skills in veterinary clinical practice. There is also a need to continue improving the academic and training standards of the current veterinary support staff (i.e. veterinary nurses and technicians).

Trainer's Profile

Ng Hui Li

Dr. Ng Hui Li is a lecturer in the School of Life Sciences and Chemical Technology at Ngee Ann Polytechnic. As a registered pharmacist trained in medicinal chemistry (PhD), she has conducted research in the fields of drug discovery, pharmacological evaluation of natural products, and food science. You may find out more about Dr Ng's interests and expertise in her LinkedIN profile: www.linkedin.com/in/hui-li-ng-968b3277.

Course Structure

TPG course reference No.


Specialist Diploma in Veterinary Clinical Practice

Post-Diploma Certificate in Clinical Procedures
Clinical Diagnostic Techniques (NP-013628)
"This module will cover clinical laboratory diagnostic techniques (i.e. haematology, cytology and urinalysis), as well as imaging diagnostic techniques (i.e. radiology and ultrasound). More specifically:
(a) Haematology, Cytology and Urinalysis Techniques & Concepts
This component will cover standard equipment and supplies (e.g. routine laboratory tests, automated analysers), sample types, and sample collection, storage, and preparation. The haematology subcomponent will focus on blood cell parameters, and the evaluation of erythrocytes, leukocytes, thrombocytes and their associated pathologies (e.g. atypical cells, haemoparasites) on blood smears, as well as fundamentals of diagnostic testing for haemostasis. The urinalysis subcomponent will cover basic renal physiology, common cells, crystals and microorganisms, examination of the urine sample, and the use of dipstick for urine chemistry. The cytology subcomponent will cover cell types and criteria of malignancy, as well as common infectious agents.
(b) Imaging Techniques & Concepts
This component will cover the physics and principles of radiology, as well as the fundamentals of positioning of the patient for thoracic, abdominal, pelvic, skull, limbs, and spinal radiography. This will be coupled with radiographic interpretation of the different body systems and anatomical regions (dog, cat, and birds) with a clinical emphasis. It will also offer fundamentals on the use of contrast media in radiology, and fundamentals of ultrasonography."
Emergency and Critical Care (NP-013629)
This module covers fundamentals of fluid therapy such as indications, body fluid compartments, types of IV fluids, fluid administration methods, fluid additives, monitoring of fluid therapy and complications. Participants will gain an understanding to transfusion medicine such as indications to blood and plasma transfusion, blood donors, pre-transfusion testing, blood collection, types of blood products and administration of blood products. Aspects of trauma management such as triage, assessment of hydration status, initial diagnostics, basic first aid, patient monitoring, emergency techniques (e.g. abdominocentesis, thoracocentesis, thoracic drain placement and tracheostomy tube placement), emergency respiratory support and cardiopulmonary resuscitation will be covered. A general approach to common emergencies involving different body systems such as cardiovascular, respiratory, gastrointestinal, urogenital, endocrine, metabolic, neurological, oncology, musculoskeletal, reproductive, and ocular emergencies, and common poisonings (e.g. insecticides, chocolate, rodenticides, and heavy metals) will be taught to students. Critical care will cover the fundamentals of post resuscitation care and the management of post resuscitation syndromes (e.g. iatrogenic injury, cardiovascular instability, transient cerebral dysfunction, and systemic inflammatory response syndrome and multi organ dysfunction) and recumbent patients.
Pain Management and Anaesthesia (NP-013630)
Pain management will cover effective communication to clients in ensuring delivery of appropriate analgesia for patients, the common causes, physiologic and behavioural aspects and effects of pain, basic principles of effective analgesic treatments and techniques, and adjunctive analgesic protocols in small animals. Anaesthesia will cover patient preparation (e.g. fasting, history and clinical examination), an introduction to common anaesthetic agents (e.g. injectables, inhalants) available in practice, principles of endotracheal tube intubation which involve tube selection, tube preparation, intubation procedure, checking for proper placement, cuff inflation, and complications. It will also cover anaesthetic protocol selection in different disease presentations and animal species, and the proper execution of anaesthesia (i.e. equipment preparation, preanaesthetic drugs, anaesthetic induction, maintenance of anaesthesia, patient positioning, comfort and safety and anaesthetic recovery). Students will learn monitoring of anaesthesia (i.e. stages and planes of anaesthesia, principles of monitoring, vital signs, indicators of circulation, oxygenation, ventilation, monitoring of reflexes and other indicators of anaesthetic depth), function and setup of anaesthetic (e.g. Anaesthetic machine, endotracheal tubes, laryngoscopes, breathing circuits, masks etc.) and monitoring equipment (e.g. capnography, ECG, blood pressure and SPO2), interpretation of data, and intervention in anaesthetic complications.
Post-Diploma Certificate in Professional Practices
Clinical Applications (NP-013635)
This module aims to equip participants with the knowledge and skills to perform routine veterinary clinical and administrative work.Topics covered include veterinary clinical and diagnostic procedures, client management, receptionist duties, pharmacy management, inpatient monitoring and care, and surgical duties. Candidates will complete an assignment which requires them to analyze
and reflect on the skills and competencies of an animal healthcare/welfare related job scope and provide a presentation at the end of the module.
Shelter Management (NP-013633)
This module will provide participants with basic management principles of an animal shelter. It will incorporate shelter design principles such as design and space planning, environmental and ventilation considerations, and material construction. Animal health considerations such as proper sanitation protocols, housing and nutrition, quality of life, shelter disease prevention and management, animal intake considerations, and behaviour management of common shelter animals in Singapore will also be incorporated. Participants will also learn about basic shelter programs related to emergency rescues, humane euthanasia, adoption, fund raising and neutering.
Veterinary Practice Management (NP-013631)
This module will provide participants with an understanding of statutory regulations covering licensing, import and export regulations of pets, animal feed & animal products, operations and regulations of pet related industries such as pet shops, and shelters. The module will also introduce legislation and regulations pertaining to pet ownership (e.g. leashing and muzzling laws, pet-friendly venues, animal abuse), claiming of impounded animals, keeping and trade of illegal pets (i.e. CITES regulations). Fundamentals of chemical and biosafety and workplace safety practices, infectious diseases management, inventory and pharmacy management, record keeping, veterinary biologics, and dispensing practices will be offered.
Veterinary Products & Services (NP-013632)
This module will provide participants with basic concepts and knowledge of customer service principles and skills, and marketing veterinary products and services. Customer service will give participants insights to the importance of service anticipation, public relations as well as service recovery strategies (e.g. complaint resolution) and grief counselling. Participants will learn to propose a marketing system, from planning to pricing and promotion, and appreciate the impact of marketing variables in the formulation of marketing decisions. It will include the understanding of buying decision processes and factors influencing buyer’s decisions in veterinary products. This encompasses knowledge on consumer perceptions and attitudes, consumer demographics and lifestyles, and cultural and group influences. Participants will learn to provide sound product advice for over the counter sales to match consumer demand (e.g. price consideration, intention purpose). Advice will take into account, considerations in species specific side effects, efficacy and conformation of scheduled or non-scheduled drug sale to regulations.

Entry Requirements

Condition 1

Citizenship type

Singapore Citizen or Singapore Permanent Resident. And Highest qualification:

Polytechnic graduates (within 3 years of graduation) with the following relevant diploma qualifications are eligible to apply:

Nanyang Polytechnic

  • Diploma in Molecular Biotechnology
  • Diploma in Medicinal Chemistry
  • Diploma in Pharmaceutical Sciences
  • Diploma in Food Science and Nutrition
  • Diploma in Biologics & Process Technology
  • Diploma in Applied Chemistry
  • Diploma in Nursing
Ngee Ann Polytechnic
  • Diploma in Biomedical Science
  • Diploma in Molecular Biotechnology
  • Diploma in Pharmacy Science
  • Diploma in Veterinary Bioscience
  • Diploma in Pharmaceutical Sciences
  • Diploma in Biomedical Engineering
  • Diploma in Nursing
  • Diploma in Optometry
  • Diploma (Conversion) in Veterinary Clinical Science
Republic Polytechnic
  • Diploma in Biomedical Sciences
  • Diploma in Biotechnology
  • Diploma in Marine Science & Aquaculture
  • Diploma in Pharmaceutical Sciences
  • Diploma in Biological Sciences
  • Diploma in Environmental and Marine Science
  • Diploma in Applied Chemistry
Singapore Polytechnic
  • Diploma in Biomedical Science
  • Diploma in Biotechnology
  • Diploma in Applied Chemistry
  • Diploma in Food Science and Technology
  • Diploma in Perfumery and Cosmetic Science
  • Diploma in Optometry
Temasek Polytechnic
  • Diploma in Biomedical Science
  • Diploma in Biotechnology
  • Diploma in Pharmaceutical Science
  • Diploma in Veterinary Technology
  • Diploma in Medical Biotechnology
  • Diploma in Food, Nutrition & Culinary Science

Condition 2

Citizenship type

Singapore Citizen or Singapore Permanent Resident. And National Service:Male Polytechnic graduates can apply within 3 years of completing National Service (NS) operationally ready date.

And Highest qualification:Polytechnic graduates with the following relevant diploma qualifications are eligible to apply:

Nanyang Polytechnic

  • Diploma in Molecular Biotechnology
  • Diploma in Medicinal Chemistry
  • Diploma in Pharmaceutical Sciences
  • Diploma in Food Science and Nutrition
  • Diploma in Biologics & Process Technology
  • Diploma in Applied Chemistry
  • Diploma in Nursing
Ngee Ann Polytechnic
  • Diploma in Biomedical Science
  • Diploma in Molecular Biotechnology
  • Diploma in Pharmacy Science
  • Diploma in Veterinary Bioscience
  • Diploma in Pharmaceutical Sciences
  • Diploma in Biomedical Engineering
  • Diploma in Nursing
  • Diploma in Optometry
  • Diploma (Conversion) in Veterinary Clinical Science
Republic Polytechnic
  • Diploma in Biomedical Sciences
  • Diploma in Biotechnology
  • Diploma in Marine Science & Aquaculture
  • Diploma in Pharmaceutical Sciences
  • Diploma in Biological Sciences
  • Diploma in Environmental and Marine Science
  • Diploma in Applied Chemistry
Singapore Polytechnic
  • Diploma in Biomedical Science
  • Diploma in Biotechnology
  • Diploma in Applied Chemistry
  • Diploma in Food Science and Technology
  • Diploma in Perfumery and Cosmetic Science
  • Diploma in Optometry
Temasek Polytechnic
  • Diploma in Biomedical Science
  • Diploma in Biotechnology
  • Diploma in Pharmaceutical Science
  • Diploma in Veterinary Technology
  • Diploma in Medical Biotechnology
  • Diploma in Food, Nutrition & Culinary Science

Financial matters

Course fees payable (incl. GST & excl. supplementary fee)

Description Post-Diploma Certificate in Clinical Procedures Post-Diploma Certificate in Professional Practices Total course fee
Full Course fee $4,900.10 $5,444.55 $10,344.65
PR Sponsored by SME (WSP) $510.23 $566.93 $1,077.16
Singapore Citizen Sponsored by SME (WSP) $510.23 $566.93 $1,077.16
Singapore Citizen Aged Below 40 (WSP) $735.01 $816.68 $1,551.69
Singapore PR (WSP) $1,960.04 $2,177.82 $4,137.86

GST rate

The course fees payable above are inclusive of 9% GST rate.

Payment option

The first payment needs to be made after accepting the offer.

Allowed payment by

The course fee allows to be paid by:
Post-Secondary Education Account (Adhoc withdrawal form);
Post-Secondary Education Account (Standing order form);
SkillsFuture Credits (SFC);
Credit card (e-payment);
Debit card (e-payment);
PayNow (e-payment).

Important note: All course fees are determined based on prevailing funding policies and subject to review and revision annually.

Nett Supplementary Fees Payable

  • GPA Insurance Fee S$2.11,subject to GST,fees payable S$2.30 Allow payment by Post-Secondary Education Account (Adhoc withdrawal form); Allow payment by Post-Secondary Education Account (Standing order form)
  • Other Fees S$7.43,subject to GST,fees payable S$8.10 Allow payment by Post-Secondary Education Account (Adhoc withdrawal form); Allow payment by Post-Secondary Education Account (Standing order form)

Refund and withdrawal policy

  • Please note that a 100% refund will be available if the withdrawal request is submitted more than or equal to 14 days before the course start date.
  • Please note that a 50% refund will be available if the withdrawal request is submitted less than 14 days before the course start date.
  • Please note that no refund will be available if the withdrawal request is submitted on or after the course start date.


Class Days: Mon, Tue &Wed
Time: 6.30pm to 9.30pm
Delivery Mode: Classroom, Synchronous eLearning and Asynchronous eLearning